Shoreditch Street Art

I don’t know about you, but one of my passions is searching for street art and if you share a similar interest, the buildings around Brick Lane are festooned in it. Possibly one of the most iconic locations in London for graffiti, the streets here are used as an urban canvas for a multitude of artists and are continuously evolving, as new pieces are sprayed, painted and pasted over old ones.

Spend an afternoon working your way from the south-side of Brick Lane up to the top, making sure to investigate the side streets as you go and marvel at the astonishing mix of work from international and local artists.

View my street art map here of the main locations to visit:

1. Heneage Street - including the epic black and white illustrative piece by Sheffield artist Phlegm (make sure to look back just before the football pitch)

2. Seven Stars Yard - a prime location, featuring a multitude of paste-ups, illustrations and graffiti

3. Princelet Street - find the famous piece from local artist Stik named: “A Couple Holding Hands in the Street”, connoting the diverse culture of London

4. Hanbury Street - home to one of the area’s most famous pieces, a giant crane by Belgian artist, ROA

5. Buxton Street - located on the corner of Brick Lane you’ll find one of the area’s best paste-up walls

6. Pedley Street Path - a distinguished site for ever changing artwork

7. Cheshire Street - keep your eyes peeled for cool pieces dotted down this street, including the street art consumed graffiti bridge

8. Sclater Street - seek out the old weaver houses covered in trinkets, artwork and graffiti

9. Chance Street - check out Chance Street and its neighbouring avenues, for large scale artistic murals covering the buildings

10. Calvin Street & Jerome Street - a chaotic mish-mash of stickers, paste-ups and artwork, creating colourful individual pieces that run along these two streets

Address: East London (Shoreditch) - Various Streets

Nearest station: Aldgate East