Sacred Grinds Coffee House

Situated within walking distance from cemeteries such as Metairie, Greenwood, Lake Lawn Park, St. Patrick’s and Odd Fellows Rest, this hallowed coffee shop is located in the perfect spooky spot.

It’s slightly off the beaten track, but tie in a trip to one of the nearby necropolises or the New Orleans City Park, as this little local grind house is well worth the visit! You will be greeted by two giant Frankenstein hands emerging out of the pavement as their Sacred Grinds heart shaped sign creaks above. Step inside to order coffee made from their ‘ritual roasts’ and ‘voodoo brews’; known to be so strong it can even wake the dead! Depending on the time of year, you may also be able to order their signature ‘Dirty Zombie’, which is a frozen chocolate malt & espresso concoction! 

Once you have collected your drinks head to the back of the shop to access the outdoor patio where you can sit overlooking St. Patrick Cemetery No. 2 and enjoy the peaceful setting whilst admiring the fascinating monuments through the perimeter chain link fence. The well brewed coffee and beautifully eerie atmosphere make it, in my opinion, one of the most unique coffee shops to visit in New Orleans. 

Address: 5055 Canal St, New Orleans, LA 70119 / @sacredgrinds